The much-complained-about Department of Motor Vehicles is, in various states, operated as an independent entity, part of the department of transportation, part of an agency that handles licenses for everything that needs a license, or simply just kind of happens. Never mind this patchwork of responsibility where virtually everything is no one's actual fault or job. Our electeds' response is "you can have $3 billion" and then we complain that NASA hasn't sent anybody to the moon yet. NASA says it'll take-pulling numbers out of thin air-$10 billion to reliably go to the moon. That is the direct result of fifty-plus years of "government is terrible, elect us and we'll prove it." Even some of our more popular agencies are so underfunded they can barely do their original mission, much less the aspirational stuff we want of them. How is this still a retort? OF COURSE MANY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES SUCK. If so, just visit the inside of any government agency.